Termite Damage Repair Services
Experienced Termite Damage Repair Pros Serving Birmingham, AL
Has your home or business been damaged by termites? If so, you are not alone. In fact, every year termites cause more than five billion dollars in damage to structures in the United States. Unfortunately, homes and businesses in Birmingham and throughout Alabama are not exempt from termite infestations or the damage that occurs when these wood-destroying pests infest. With over 10 years of experience in repairing termite damage in Chelsea, Vestavia Hills, and communities throughout the Greater Birmingham Metro area, Serve One Construction is the company to call if you need help restoring your home or building to the condition it was prior to the termite problem.
What To Expect When You Choose Us To Repair Termite Damage
Termite Damage Inspection
Once you’ve worked with your pest control company to eliminate termites from your structure, Serve One Construction will evaluate the extent of the termite damage. Because damages are not typically on the surface, this may require us to open a wall up to inspect.
Once our specialists have assessed the damage, we’ll explain our findings and provide you with a quote for the repairs.
Termite Damage Repairs Performed
Repairing termite damage may be as simple as replacing damaged sections of wood in a localized area or as extensive as fixing damage that has occurred to load-bearing beams and even damage that has spread throughout the entire house or building. Some of the repairs may be cosmetic in nature while other damage may negatively affect the structural integrity of the property.
As Serve One’s termite damage repair specialists work on restoring your property, you can count on our team to communicate our findings and how we plan to fix damage every step of the way.
Our locally owned and operated company provides written and visual documentation of the termite damage repair services we perform from start to finish. This includes:
Hours worked
Materials used
Detailed descriptions of the work performed
Before images of termite damage
After images showing repairs completed
Additionally, we maintain records of termite damage repair services for years. This is helpful for property owners who need to provide evidence of repairs should they sell their home or for other issues that may arise.

Why Our Termite Damage Repair Services Are The Best Choice
We’ve Been Partnering With Wayne’s Since The Beginning
Wayne’s, formerly Wayne’s Exterminating Company, has partnered exclusively with Serve One Construction for years and trusts us to repair the termite damage found in their customers’ homes and businesses.
We’re Experienced Professionals
This isn’t our first rodeo. From making minor repairs to tackling some of the worst termite damage, our team has consistently delivered results that exceed our customers’ expectations.
Guaranteed Termite Damage Repair Services
At Serve One Construction, we are so confident our work will stand the test of time that we guarantee all labor for up to a year. We do not, however, guarantee protection against termite infestations.
Termite Damage Repair FAQs
How much does termite damage repair cost?
While the average cost to repair termite damage ranges from $1,200-$1,500, your cost will depend on the severity of the damage.
What happens if you find live termites?
Should our termite damage repair specialists uncover live termites in your structure, we’ll stop working and advise you to contact your pest control company. Once the problem has been resolved, we’ll resume repairs.
Do I need to fix the damage caused by termites?
Absolutely, yes! Left alone, termite damage will compromise the structural integrity of your home or building. Leaking or sagging roofs, cracks in walls and ceilings, warped floors, and damage to load-bearing walls and joists are all serious issues that can become dangerous if not remedied.
Schedule Your Free Onsite Inspection
Fill out the form to the right for help with repairing damage caused by termites. For immediate assistance, please call (205) 313-0132